

ONLY THESE 2 THINGS MATTER IN BUSINESS. NOTHING ELSE. This is what India's GREATEST STARTUP SUPERSTAR, Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy had to say. And they are Not Technology, Not HR, Not Manufacturing....

So what are these two?

Imagine the Tech genius saying that Technology in itself doesn't really matter for a business to be successful!! But it is just an enabler. These then are the most powerful Business Coaching tips.

And how many Startups today get carried away by the fact that they have some super tech product that can do wonders? Only to find someone else has done something better soon! 

The first one, he emphatically says, is Sales. 

If you cannot sell, whatever else you do is of no use. You may have the world's greatest technology producing some incredible stuff but if you cannot sell, all that has been done goes nought.

Isn't it so true?

And if we watch around how many are working on that front? How many are working with consumers to understand if there is a problem that they can solve? Rather than trying to sell what they have produced.

Look at some of the amazing legends as to how they have achieved this and outlasted every adversity for centuries as I share in my book, THE GOLDEN LADDER. RISE TO BE UNSTOPPABLE.

Every day and, in fact, every moment we are selling ourselves!

Think about it.

Whether it's to sell our idea to our boss, our thoughts to our children or our plans to our spouses and so on!! The new buzzword...Personal branding..It just effectively means putting yourself in the marketplace where you can outsell everyone else. Wow!

So that's the first. 

If you want to incorporate some totally out-the-box strategies implemented by the legends at zero money, read them from my book

What is the second?

The second is Finance. 

And to be more specific cash flow. 

The individuals and companies who understand the importance of this are the ones that will not just outlast every adversity but will soar forever.

How many times haven't you seen companies going bust despite great profits just because their receivables far outweighed outstandings and suddenly there was no cash?

That is the second.

 It was amazing meeting this legend and presenting my book which conveys some of these Business Coaching concepts very very clearly. 


Energising Brands | Elevating Minds



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