The Undercurrents Of Brand Creation


Power of Branding

PADMAVATI OR PK OR KJ..Boy..MARKETING LESSONS FROM GENIUSES AT THEIR BEST The Pattern continues without fail. And It always works. The proven formula. Set up a slightly controversial topic. Only ‘slightly’ so that everything can be changed at the right time. And then act the victim. And our audiences lap up the media outage on this. A free advertising and social media blitz that no money can buy. And apologise if need be. And after the movie is released retract the apology if need be. Get everyone to come and see what the hungama was all about..not so much the movie. Fill the first week with 10,000 screens. And later if need be set up 2 further camps to continue the debate. As the naive audience laps up innocently while the media and the movie makers laugh silently to the bank, one wonders…is this all for real? And then as people continue taking their on screen role too seriously..’We as a nation have regressed’ authority on the entire nation has pronounced her verdict..Amazingly surreal. KOTLER would be humbled, am sure.


Energising Brands | Elevating Minds



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